Thursday, April 22, 2010

GIROA, PRT work together to increase reconstruction, COIN efforts in Pusht Rod district

CHIN FARCI, Afghanistan (April 18, 2010) – Pusht Rod District Sub Governor Ghawsddin met with civilian, engineer, and civil affairs members from Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Farah to propose a road construction plan in Chin Farci, Afghanistan, April 18, 2010.

Currently, locals are transporting cultivated crops such as onions, wheat, and watermelons by wheelbarrow across a four-kilometer stretch between the Gaijin and Chardeh villages. If approved, the road would provide for better accessibility to and from the two villages and would allow for better agricultural efficiency.
In addition, the project would be contracted to a local Afghan, who would then hire locals, many of which are currently unemployed.
“We have a lot of jobless people here (Chin Farci area). This would help people provide for their families,” said Ghawsddin.
Construction efforts such as this embody the counter insurgency (COIN) philosophy used to increase Afghan’s trust with the Government Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIROA) and deter insurgent influences, which often prey upon the unemployed from local villages.
“They (insurgents) are recruiting young males that are of fighting age, that need to have jobs to support their families. If we can offset that by giving them consistent work and helping them feel like they are a part of their government and a part of their community, it will be much more constructive in the long run,” said U.S. Army Lieutenant Christian Way, PRT civil affairs officer.
The PRT hopes projects such as this can be a demonstration to other villages in Pusht Rod that GIROA is working hard for them and that if cooperation with GIROA exists, so will further projects and employment as well.
During the PRT’s visit, Ghawsddin proposed an impact project aimed at constructing 10 water-dividers which would properly separate water from canals to reach their designated crops and prevent erosion. Each divider would cost $200 for concrete and stone materials and would allow locals to take immediate action on improving the irrigation system to cultivate their crops.
The proposals would be a part of 29 other projects currently being worked on in Pusht Rod. Of those, 12 are orchestrated by GIROA with PRT assistance and have Afghan contractors and laborers involved.

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