Monday, June 07, 2010

AECID started new round of awareness and educational health program in Abkamri District of Badghis province

Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) started new round of awareness and educational health program in Abkamri District of Badghis province with probable budget of 50 thousand USD. Responsible of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) says, new round of Health Education started based on continuation of last Health Education programs, this program will continued for one more year and about 80 thousands of Abkamri District residents will be benefited.

Afghan and Coalition Forces conduct operation against a weapons facilitation network.

HEART, Afghanistan (Jun 5,2010)--Today Afghan and Coalition forces conducted a detention operation just south of Rowzeh Bagh, Herat Province. The operation resulted in the detention of seven men and one insurgent killed in action.  This operation was carried out against one of the main insurgent supply networks, distributing weapons and materials used in the construction of roadside bombs. This network has direct links to the Senior Taliban leadership residing outside of Afghanistan.   A significant percentage of weapons which are used by the insurgency in Helmand are derived from this network. The actions of these men have lead to the deaths of many innocent civilians and members of the Afghan forces, killed by the roadside bombs and weapons they have supplied.  his operation will have a significant effect on this network and in turn degrade the insurgencies ability to channel weapons and bombs into Helmand.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

General McChristal and Ambassador Sedwill visit the province of Badghis

Herat, 3 June. The Commander of the International Security and Assistance Force and the NATO Senior Civilian Representative visited today the province of Badghis, in the northern sector of Regional Command West’s area of operations.

Double graduation of 241 new policemen and 24 border guards in western Afghanistan


HERAT, Afghanistan (June 5) – Starting from yesterday, 265 new members of the Afghan National Security Forces trained in western Afghanistan are joining their operational units after the completion of their training



عمليات نيروهاي انگليسي در مركز شهر هرات

نيروهاي خارجي شامگاه ديروز يك تن را در مركز شهر هرات كشته و نه تن ديگر را با خود برده اند. براساس معلومات مقامات محلي هرات ، اين عمليات شامگاه ديروز  از سوي نيروهاي  انگليسي در منطقه باباجي ناحيه نهم شهر هرات راه اندازي شده بود.
نقيب اروين سخنگوي والي هرات به تلويزيون سبا گفت :  براساس معلومات پوليس ،  يك گروه ده نفري ترورستان كه از ولايت هلمند  به هدف انجام حملات انتحاري و دهشت افگني وارد شهر هرات شده بودند كه  در اين عمليات يكتن شان كشته و نه تن ديگر بازداشت شده اند.
 در عين حال يك مقام ديگر دولتي گفت : نیروهای انگليسي اين گروه دهشت افگن را از هلمند الي شهر هرات تحت تعقيب داشتند . به گفته منبع  فرد كشته شده ملا فيض احمد تبعه پاكستان است كه از سوي قواي انگليسي  هدف شليك قرار گرفته و از بين رفته است ولي نه تن ديگر همراه با چهار صوب واسكت هاي بمب گذاري شده براي حملات انتحاري  و ديگر تجهيزات باز داشت شده اند.
 اين مقام ارشد دولتي گفت : والي نام نهاد طالبان براي هلمند نيز در ميان افراد بازداشت شده شناسائي شده است.
در عين حال باشند گان محل باباجي ميگويند نيروهاي خارجي در جريان اين عمليات بالاي موتر هاي مسافربري مسير بزرگراه هرات اسلام قلعه نيز شليك نموده اند.
هرچند گفته شده است كه در اين جريان سه فرد ملكي نيز زخمي شده اند اما مقامات دولتي تا كنون اين خبر را تائيد نكرده اند.


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