Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Herat: three insurgents detained in Parwan reject violence

Three insurgents detained in the prison of Parwan were released today in Herat after they’ve adhered to the reintegration program led and advised by the Afghan government to persuade insurgents to terminate their fight and assume a legitimate role in their communities.

To mark the release, a special shura focused on reintegration was called at the Regional Operational Coordination Center and was attended by the relevant Afghan authorities along with their IJC and international counterparts and more than 40 elders from the communities that are going to reintegrate the three ex-detainees.The former-insurgents pledged before the shura their commitment to reject violence and to be reintegrated into their communities, to which they will grant support.
Brigadier general Mohibullah, the deputy commander of the special task-force for reintegration, stressed the importance of the program “which is supporting with social and economic opportunities not only the former insurgents but their entire communities”.
“One of the key elements for success of the reintegration is the community empowerment, as important issues within Afghan society are generally resolved at the community level”, said Vice Admiral Harward, who leads the Joint Task Force for reintegration based in Kabul
The three former detainees will return today to their villages in the western provinces of Afghanistan accompanied by their relatives and community elders and will be offered a peaceful opportunity to be assimilated

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