Friday, December 17, 2010


Herat, Afghanistan – 15 December 2010 –The head of Join Secretariat for Peace Council, Mohammad Masoon Stanekzai came yesterday to Herat to chair the High Peace Council summit. The aim of the summit was to show the support of the central government in Kabul to each of the western provinces peace sub-committees.
Each province governor came to join the summit, which started at 14:00 hrs at the Human Rights Command building in Herat. The international community was also represented by Regional Command West Commander, Brigadier General Marcello Bellacicco, Provincial Reconstruction Team representatives from each province, and United Nations representatives.
Herat governor, Dr. Dawood Saba at the beginning of the meeting stated his satisfaction for having decreased violence in Herat during the last 3 months. “This is the result of all parts common effort. We have to support and encourage the cooperation and union of all counterparts at every provincial level, because this is the only way to succeed”.

The local representative of the GIRoA suggested to Stanekzai to hold these meeting every three months in order to shorten the distance between central government and provincial councils. He also manifested his interest to open these shuras to bordering countries, because they also play and important role while talking about security in Afghanista.

After the Herat’s governor it was the turn of Stanekzai. “The central government hopes that the pacific and well educated people of Herat will support us to reach peace as soon as possible. Peace not only depends on Kabul. Peace is a commitment of a whole country and a whole people”.

“After having fighting soviets for 30 years, thousands of weapons were left behind in the hands of the population. The developed countries did nothing to prevent people from start fighting, they forgot us. Now they have a very good opportunity to help us reach peace. We need the support of the International Community to continue working until Afghans succeed living in peace”

“We have to convince Talibans to give up fighting and join peace negotiations”.
Minister Stanekzai stated that there are five pillars to reach peace. First is providing security to the Afghan population. Second, the government has to gain the support of the Afghan population. “We can not buy peace with money”. Third, the government has to provide working alternatives and development opportunities. “the poor are those who join insurgency because they do not have any other alternative for surviving”. Four, justice has to work in this country and has to be equal to all. Fifth, Afghan security forces and Afghan population have to go hand in hand in the same direction.

The governor of Badghis, Delbar Jan Arman, asked Stanekzai for the reintegration funds for the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Program (APRP). Each province has its own particularities and that is the reason why we need some freedom of movement to improve results”.
Professor Burhanuddin Rabani, member of the High Peace Council, stated the importance role to be play by religious leaders in working for peace. “All mullahs, madrasahs, and mosques have to join the peace program, because they have a big influence in the Afghan population”.

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